Property management

Kopš 2007.gada piedāvājam kompleksu nekustamā īpašuma apsaimniekošanu, gan arī individuāli risinām katru jautājumu, kas saistīts ar objekta inženiertehnisko tīklu un iekārtu apkalpošanu, nodrošinot to nepārtrauktu un kvalitatīvu funkcionēšanu.

We offer our clients the following management services:

  • Complex property management (office buildings, hotels, factories, individual production facilities, warehouses, etc.);
  • Maintenance, servicing and repair of property’s engineering networks and equipment;
  • 24-hour technical assistance and service;
  • Construction and repair works
  • Supply of household and hygiene products;
  • Daily and general cleaning;
  • Special cleaning (tile polishing and treatment, dry cleaning, etc.);
  • Seasonal cleaning (snow clearance, grass cutting, etc.);

Advantages of integrated property management:

  • One contact person for all economic and technical issues;
  • Simplifies quality control of works;
  • Professional liability guarantees;
  • Use of a common e-working environment, also accessible to the client (Jira);
  • Comprehensive approach to solving problem situations.